It took seven years to complete Hidden Homes’ format. For the very first time it matches both cinema and literature techniques to the field of real estate, nowadays in great difficulties.
The purpose is to select some disused but full of history mansions and to create, inside of them, some parallel worlds based, especially, on the rediscovery of values and traditions.
Hidden Homes brand highlights some mansions having feelings and character where the visitors will be surrounded by a world specially studied and created by a team of screenwriters, scenographers, cinematographers and directors working together with other artists.
Hidden Homes enclose in their walls an authentic history and they own humanity that reflects their identity. It is a journey without start nor arrival but it has a route with stages where in every Home the visitor lets out and takes a part of himself.
Hidden Homes are abandoned homes and so in contrast with the cliché of the real estate market. A Hidden Home must have some aesthetic and architectural features which can transform it into an artwork, and working on its ruines and flaws every Hidden Home will become a masterpiece.
This is a recovery operation which aims to redevelop the rural environment, giving back a profitability to the Home with positive effects on the local context too. This operation will be the result of a careful selection of mansions with particular identities and will have the support of a professional consulting for technical, legal and administrative aspects as well as the cooperation of professionists such as screenwriters, writers, scenographers and illustrators “to profile” the Hidden Home creating a complete identity.